Industry Facts

Thailand Ranked As #2 Largest Sugar Exporter In The World and #4 Producer In The World Thailand is ranked as the world’s second largest exporter and also ranked fifth in the world for sugar production. (Source: Wikipedia)

Thailand Sugar Industry Increases It Sugar Exports The Thai Sugar Millers Corp executive chairman Vibul Panitvong said the cane harvest may total 103 million to 105 million metric tonnes, bringing sugar output to about 10.5 million to 10.7 million tonnes. The Thai Sugar Millers Crop represents the country's 47 mills. Exports may exceed eight million tonnes next calendar year, he said in an interview in Bangkok on Thursday. Increased output will enable the country to boost supplies to Asia, where demand remains strong, Vibul said. (Source: Bangkok Post, 7 June 2012)

Opportunities In The Thai Sugar Industry

  • Thai Sugar Companies Looking For Upgrades of Machinery and tractors.
  • Thai Sugar Farmers on the lookout for latest harvesting tools and equipment. Including the latest planting methods, fertilizers and planting solutions.
  • Thai Sugar Mills Looking for parts and technology upgrades.
  • Thai Sugar Refineries looking for upgrades and maintenance solutions.
  • Thai Sugar companies exploring Biogas and Bioethanol technology potential.
  • Thai Sugar companies finding solutions for Wastewater treatment.